A Criminal Defense Attorney Who Will Protect Your Rights
When you are facing criminal charges, your future hangs in the balance. This is the reason why you should entrust your case to a criminal defense attorney who possesses extensive knowledge and can defend you skillfully. DeMoor Law Firm, LLC, meets this criteria and offers criminal defense services regarding these types of cases:

- Assault/battery
- Burglary
- Robbery
- Theft
- Disorderly conduct
- Domestic violence
- Driving with license suspended
- Fraud
- Identify theft
- Harassment
- Public intoxication
- Resisting arrest
- Shoplifting
- Vandalism
Our criminal defense services extend beyond the list above to cover virtually all misdemeanor and felony crimes.
Misdemeanors Versus Felonies
When you hire our criminal defense attorney, one of the first details we will consider is whether you have a misdemeanor or felony charge.
A misdemeanor is a minor crime. In general, a misdemeanor conviction will have less of an impact on your life than a felony conviction. You might need to pay a fine or serve probation if you are guilty of a misdemeanor. Jail time is minimal, if it occurs. Still, depending on your past criminal history or on your current job status, a misdemeanor conviction could be devastating for you.
Having a felony conviction can have life-altering and long-term consequences. Jail or prison time is a strong possibility. Plus, convicted felons often lose some rights and have trouble landing a job after serving the sentence.
Charges Versus a Conviction
Being charged with a crime does not mean you are guilty of it in the eyes of the law. Rather, it means prosecutors are formally accusing you of the crime. This is where your criminal defense attorney comes into the picture. DeMoor Law Firm will fight to try to prevent you from receiving a conviction. A conviction indicates that you have been found guilty of the crime after trial or after a guilty plea.
Protect Your Future — Contact Us Today
Regardless of the type of charges you are facing, DeMoor Law Firm, LLC, will leverage our considerable criminal defense experience to help protect your future. Take the first step towards strong legal defense by calling us at (314) 540-5350 or by submitting our online contact form.