Slip & Fall

Slip & Fall

Accidents do happen and often they are because someone failed to do their job to keep a common area safe for the use of others.  In other words, it’s not your fault.  You are not clumsy, or should have known better by being on the lookout for a wet floor, a falling object, ice on parking lot, a hole in the ground, or a loose carpet.  Now you are laid up with an injury, with days or weeks unable to get out of bed, followed by weeks of using crutches and wearing a boot cast.  You may have lost time from work, cutting sharply into your budget.  As your attorney, I will find a way to get you the pay back you deserve because of another person’s negligence, no matter where it occurred.  Give me a call and I will discuss with you how you can start to turn your life around again after this unforeseen and inexcusable accident which was not your fault.  Feel free to reach me at (314) 540-5350.  Consultations are free.